Blog & Video: On the Topic of LGBT+ History

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Nora Latapi-Dean (she/her), Regional Diversity, Inclusion & Participation Manager for HEE and NHSE, shares her personal experiences of joining the region and how she is encouraged to bring her whole self to work; Nora also talks about the importance of LGBT+ History Month and what it means to her.

Nora said: “From my very first day I knew that I had struck gold – I could not only see but actually FEEL that my colleagues harboured a genuinely supportive and inclusive workspace. For the first time ever, I felt like I could bring my whole self to work.”

“This has been life-changing for me: having not only the freedom, but also being encouraged to be myself as an LGBT+, neurodiverse, and ethnically diverse individual means that I no longer have to worry about being judged or ostracised just for simply being myself.”

Why does this matter? – this has given me the brain-space to really focus on my job and have the confidence to get involved in projects outside of my remit, including as an EDI representative. For once in my life, I feel able to focus on my career aspirations and how I can contribute to positive change, rather than exhaust myself trying to pretend I’m someone else and constantly stress about what would happen if I were found out.”

“I give much credit to my supportive “Talent peeps” for giving me the confidence I needed to progress my career and I’m also incredibly grateful to my new South West Leadership Academy team who have equally been welcoming, supportive, and inclusive; they truly practice what they preach!”

“Bullying, discrimination and ostracization in still experienced in workplaces and this is simply unacceptable. Everyone has a duty to be kind to each other and create a space where we all belong.” 

“At times, we may not even realise we are stigmatising our colleagues via banter or throwaway comments; discrimination is not always intentional, but this does not reduce its negative effects. However, being willing to learn about these issues can help us all be more inclusive.”

“It truly is in all our interests to be inclusive and embrace diversity. This will help our LGBT+ colleagues feel comfortable in being authentic and will lead to more diverse and cohesive teams which will provide a range of innovative perspectives and solutions.”

“For more tips on how you can be an LGBT+ ally, I’d recommend looking at 10 ways to be an LGBT+ ally and 5 ways to be a straight ally in the workplace.”