Everything DiSC

The DiSC model was originally developed by William Moulton Marston in 1928. The model was the first of its kind and helped to shape occupational psychology today. The original model was developed to explain human behaviour, and how people’s behaviour can be adapted to suit their environment.
Understanding your own DiSC personality type/behavioural type, is the first step to becoming more effective when working with others.
Everything DiSC® identifies four primary dimensions of behaviour: Dominance – Influence – Steadiness – Conscientiousness.
DiSC is an acronym for the four primary behavioural styles (Dominance, influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness) that make up the model of human behaviour and help people understand, “why they do what they do.”
Find out more about the 4 DiSC types here: DiSC personality types – where do you fit on the DiSC model? (thefruitfultoolbox.com)
A sample report: OAXQQ0RD38P04443E0V4Q4V0E3Z4a (thefruitfultoolbox.com)