GMTS Programme and Placement Manager Training

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The NHS GMTS Team are delivering a series of training sessions aimed at current and prospective GMTS Programme and Placement Managers.

These short sessions will provide an insight to the Graduate Management Training Scheme, the journey of the trainee and the roles and expectations of Programme and Placement Managers. They will also cover basics such as how to use the online trainee management tool GENI and give individuals an opportunity to ask questions about executing their role. All Managers will benefit from the session, learning how to effectively support and develop their trainees throughout their time on the scheme.

The sessions will run regularly online over the course of the year to enable new placement and programme managers the chance to familiarise themselves with key aspects of their responsibilities.

To book a place, please select from the session dates below and enter your details via the link.

If you experience issues accessing the below links, try clearing caches from your browser and click on the links again (Microsoft – How to manage and clear your cache and cookies)

24 July 202413:30 – 16:00Register for session
05 August 202413:00 – 15:30Register for session
19 August 202409:30-12:00Register for session
10 September 202413:00 – 15:30Register for session
26 September 202409:30 – 12:00Register for session
08 October 202409:30 – 12:00Register for session
22 October 202413:30 – 16:00Register for session
07 November 202409:30 – 12:00 Register for session
10 December 202409:30-12:00Register for session

Once registered, a calendar invite will be sent to the email address used on the registration form.

For any queries regarding the sessions or booking a place, please contact [email protected]

GMTS Manager resources