Peer Coaching CPD Programme

Please note; All eligible applicants have received the link to this offer from either their system Chief People Officer (CPO) and/or their Line Manager on behalf of the System CPO.

This programme has been designed for experienced coaches, enabling them to peer coach EQA Coaching Programme participants and qualified Coaches within the region.

As this is a CPD programme, there is no requirement for assessment, however the cohort will be required to attend all workshop dates details below and engage in individual and group reflective practice.

During the programme you will be required to Peer Coach the participants undertaking the EQA Coaching Programme. You will be paired up shortly after starting the Peer Coaching Programme.

Following the programme, you will be required to meet the EMCC Global Practitioner EIA standard which is 3 years of coaching practice, at least 10 clients, 100 hours of client contact hours, 16 hours of CPD per year, and be engaged in quarterly supervision.

If you are not currently registered as a Coach on our Coaching & Mentoring Register, can we please ask you to register and support NHS colleagues within the South West Region.

Target audience

This CPD opportunity is intended to further develop the skillset of qualified coaches and supports the SW aspiration to create and sustain compassionate and inclusive cultures. It is targeted at NHS coaches in organisations delivering NHS funded care across the South West region.

Programme outline

Each session will be split into two parts; the first will focus on the theory of peer coaching in the context of the EMCC Global coach accreditation requirements for supervision and the second will focus on reflective practice, enabling participants to discuss their peer coaching practice.

The programme will take place over a six-month period to maximise the opportunities to put into practice the learning.

Participants will be provided with a Resource pack to support their ongoing development in the role as Peer Coaches. Alongside the Resource pack, groups of approximately 6-9 participants will attend 3-hour virtual CPD sessions covering:

  • How supervision for coaches is defined by a variety of literature and professional bodies.
  • The role and purpose of Peer Coaching Reflective Practice within the immediate and wider context.
  • Creating a joint, collaborative approach in the peer coaching space, enhancing the quality of practice and well-being of the coach.
  • The practicalities of facilitating Peer Coaching Reflective Practice sessions, including contracting.

Programme schedule  

Session Date  Time  
Webinar 1 Monday 16th September9.00 – 10.30 
Webinar 2Monday 7th October9.00 – 12.00 
Webinar 3 Monday 18th November9.00 – 12.00 
Webinar 4 Monday 13th January9.00 – 12.00 
Webinar 5 Monday 24th February9.00 – 12.00 

Total time commitment is 24 hours across 6 months = orientation, 4 x 3 hour online workshops, 4 x 1.5 hour meetings in CPD learning pairs or trios, 4 x 1 hour preparation for each webinar. In addition, you will be spending time with your Peer Coach.

All webinars and workshops will be delivered online via Zoom, and access to this platform will be crucial to be able to be part of this cohort.

Please arrive on time for webinars and workshops as late arrivals can impact the learning of everyone. Each session will build upon the last therefore attendance at all elements of the programme is expected. If you miss one or more sessions, you may be withdrawn from your programme.

Participation in the workshops will require the ability to use both audio and camera; as part of planning for attendance, we recommend that you are able to access an area where you will be undisturbed and can take part in group discussions without disturbing colleagues or feeling uncomfortable.

Application Process

Prior to applying for this programme, please ensure your application is approved your Line Manager on behalf of your organisation and your system Chief People Officer. Within the application form, we require their name, job title and email address.

We require applicants to apply via the link below and fully complete the online application form. We are working with our ICB and system colleagues to identify individuals who are able to embed the learning at part of their role.

Applications will close 10am, Monday 5th August and we aim to notify applicants of their outcome week commencing Monday 26th August.


At this stage it’s unlikely that we will be able to run another cohort offering an open application process. However, if you would like to be informed of any similar opportunities, please do register your interest here.