Leading Anchor Organisations: Leadership Masterclass Series

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The 7 regional academies have partnered with Health Anchors Learning Network (HALN) and CLES, the national organisation for local economies,  to develop a series of autumn masterclasses based on growing the knowledge about Anchor Institutes.

The NHS is committed to addressing the social determinants of health, improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities. Anchor institutions are large public sector organisations which are rooted in place and connected to their communities, such as universities, local authorities, and hospitals and work together with their communities to tackle these challenges. Anchors have significant assets and spending power and are often a significant employer in an area and can consciously use these resources to benefit communities. Traditionally anchors focus on employability, procurement  and sustainability strategies and can, when aligned across the ICS partner organisations, contribute significantly to the economic situation and help to reduce health inequalities.  It can also contribute to addressing the workforce supply issues across the health and care sector.

To consider the leadership issues and deepen the understanding of anchor institutions and their potential to solve some NHS challenges and also reduce inequalities, we are running a mini series of  masterclasses  nationally  for staff working in the public sector to share, adopt and adapt existing good practice from other anchor institutions. Our masterclasses will explore;

  • the latest research and evidence about anchor institutions
  • Identify the leadership behaviours that create the conditions for change to happen
  • Understand models of leadership that have supported the advancement of anchor institutes
  • Provide examples and case studies and evidence into the impact of this work

Please note that links to register for the masterclasses below will direct you to the South East Leadership Academy webpages, these opportunities are open to all staff working within our ICS’ in the South West.

The Best Job For the Person – Inclusive Workforce and Employment Interventions

Some health institutions are now starting to change the narrative around their workforce by using their power as employers to tackle the social determinants of health and create a more just society. For these organisations, it’s not about just wanting “the best person for the job”, but using the job to do the best by the people who make up your local economy. Where does the NHS start here and how can these interventions be scaled and amplified across entire health systems?

Thursday 16th November, 12:30-13:30 – Click here to register

Public Land Public Values – Progressive NHS Estates Strategies

Public land should be more than just a commodity. Wherever possible, it should be used to drive social, economic and environmental value and address the wider determinants of health. Nevertheless, land usage and disposal in an NHS context is heavily centralised which presents challenges for the progressive use of land and estates – particularly surplus land. Can we develop local progressive estates strategies? Some places are doing it? What is the art of the possible here?

Thursday 30th November, 12:30-13:30 – Click here to register


Julia Slay

Julia is a freelance consultant, working across research, strategy and OD. Her background is in research and policy: She spent 8 years working on the social policy team at the new economics foundation, including leading a number of pieces of work on local economic development, and then spent 3 years at the GLA as the Assistant Director of Communities and Social Policy. She has also held board level positions in the NHS as a non-executive director in Tower Hamlets (the CCG) and Haringey (the GP Federation).

In 2019 she was awarded a Churchill fellowship to conduct research into anchor organisations in North America and Australia, and advised  the Health Foundation team in 2020 on the strategic direction they should take in relation to anchors work in the UK.

Tom Lloyd Goodwin – Director of Policy and Practice at CLES

Since completing his PhD in political theory in 2009, Tom has worked with numerous organisations across local government, academia, the NHS and the voluntary and community sector. He has delivered an array of local economic development and health policy projects, focused on addressing poverty, fostering social inclusion and promoting public health. Tom brings expertise in political theory, policy and implementation research to his role as Director of Policy and Practice.

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