The School for Change Agents

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Would you like to develop skills to make a difference and create change in health and care?

The School for Change Agents by NHS Horizons is a free, online, self-paced course designed for health and care staff at any level to build the confidence and community to unleash their inner change agent!

This year, we’re excited to be partnering with NHS England’s Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Team to bring you stories of real change agents across the country making a positive impact tackling health inequality.

The next run of School starts on 13 November on Future Learn and lasts five weeks.

Everyone taking part in the School has five weeks from when they start to complete the modules. If you’d like to extend your access, you can upgrade for a small fee. The great news is if you work for the NHS or in social care, you can get an upgrade at no cost to you thanks to a partnership we have with Future Learn. For further information click on the link to visit the NHS Horizons website on The School for Change Agents.

The School offers the opportunity to take your desire to see change happen and make it a reality.

The next School Run launches on Monday 13th November 2023.

Sign up to School now by clicking here!

What you will learn

The School for Change Agents takes place on FutureLearn. There are five interactive sessions to complete: 

  1. Change starts with me 
  2. Resourcefulness 
  3. Using power to make a difference 
  4. Using stories to create change
  5. Making sense of complexity

Each session includes a range of articles and videos that feature people like you talking about their own experiences of creating change. 

How to take part

School is free to join, and to take part in. All you need is an internet connection.  The sessions are arranged into ‘bite-sized’ chunks so that you can complete them in your own time, and in your own way.  You can take part on a computer, tablet or mobile device.

Sign up to School now!

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